What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a medical condition which results in inflamed gums surrounding the teeth.  Gingivitis affects the tissue around the teeth, along with the gums, soft tissues and bone (the periodontium). Gingivitis occurs when bacteria gets trapped in these areas and starts attacking the periodontium. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of gingivitis. This condition… Continue reading What Is Gingivitis?

Gum Recession: Causes And Treatment

Gum Recession Gum recession is a major warning sign that you may be suffering from gum disease which is why if you notice that your gums are receding you shouldn’t ignore it. Also, in order to better assist yourself with gum recession prevention it’s important to better understand what causes gum recession. Also, it is very important… Continue reading Gum Recession: Causes And Treatment

Sedation Dentistry: How Does It Help Relieve Dental Anxiety?

Sedation Dentistry Sedation dentistry helps to relieve dental anxiety and it’s very beneficial because patients who would once avoid the dentist are now able to seek out treatment and maintain their oral health. Also, your oral health is directly related to your overall health with this being said choosing sedation dentistry would mean that in addition to… Continue reading Sedation Dentistry: How Does It Help Relieve Dental Anxiety?

Removing the Obscurity from Scaling and Root Planing

Gum disease is an overlooked disease, most of the time because it does not show many signs or symptoms until it is too late. Because of this, the disease flourishes and could potentially lead to oral systemic issues with the rest of the body. When you’re suffering with gum disease, you should seek attention from… Continue reading Removing the Obscurity from Scaling and Root Planing

The Real Facts of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a near perfect replacement option for teeth. Dental implants are extremely durable and prevent jawbone thinning after tooth loss. Implants may seem expensive when researching tooth replacement options, but the value associated with the cost is incomparable. It is natural instinct to price compare when shopping, but when going with the cheaper option for dental implants, it… Continue reading The Real Facts of Dental Implants

Prepare for National Eat a Red Apple Day

Stocked up on your apples. National Eat a Red Apple Day is on December 1? For some of us, we can forward to it, or fear it, depending on our oral health status. Eating an apple sounds easy enough but if you have missing teeth, it can be a very stressful experience. What Are Implants?… Continue reading Prepare for National Eat a Red Apple Day

How Dental Implants Differ

When you have missing teeth or are facing the prospect of losing any of them, you may start exploring a variety of treatment options ranging from dentures to dental implants. Technology has advanced to accommodate people who need teeth replacement options, and implants have grown in popularity. Dr. Samuel DeAngelo of Samuel DeAngelo, DDS, MS, PA… Continue reading How Dental Implants Differ